Shape Poems - create poetry for holidays and just for fun - online
Story Place - fun stories with choices - read part of it, and the computer reads part of it
Storyline - the author reads that stories to you - one of my favorite (this only plays on a teacher station at AE and IH - stories are now ran through YouTube
Language Arts Activites & Math too
Timeline Maker
Pics 4 Learning
Venn Diagram
Smart Express
Story Map
Doodle Splash
Smart Express
Friendly Letter
Glogster Edu
Noun Dunk (common noun, proper noun, not a noun)
Nouns and Verbs
Alphabetical Order
Solid, Liquid, Gas
Properties as solids, liquids and gas
Video on Solid, Liquid, Gas - 3-4 minutes
Animal Adaptations WebQuest
Telling Time
Telling time to the hour and half hour
Time to the half hour quiz
Flash Card Time telling to the half hour
Time to the half hour and 15 minutes
1. Time to the half hour and 15 minutes
2. Not time to the 5 minutes, but a quick “thinking on your toes” fun game – use arrow keys and spacebar for choices
3. choose medium or hard or really hard – has some elapsed time on it too
Grade 2 Favorite Links - 1st quarter
Grade 2 Favorite Links - 2nd quarter
Telling Time Teacher Resources
2. For the teacher – good clock to go with your Smartboard
3. For the teacher – clock: can add and subtract time by 5 minutes
Logic Games
Addition 2-digit with No Regrouping
1. Adding 2-digit with no regrouping
2. Adding 2-Digit Numbers Without Regrouping
3. math baseball – a mix of 2 digit +/- 1 digit AND 2 digit +/- 2 digit – choose level medium - very fun
Addition 2-Digit With Regrouping
1. Adding 2-Digit Numbers With Regrouping
2. Draggable Addition – for 2 or 3 digits
3. Adding 2-Digit Numbers Mystery Game – will need to use scratch paper for problems to uncover the hidden picture (Very Cool!) (tutorial) (Halloween theme) (lots of fun but from IXL – so students only have access to a few questions) (random questions, not all 2 digit, and from IXL so students only have access to a few questions) (like it, but it is from IXL so students only have access to a few questions) (mini lesson tutorial) (online activities – students would need to use scratch paper)
Subtraction No Regrouping
1. Subtraction without regrouping
Subtraction With Regrouping
1. Draggable Subtraction
Addition Quick 1-Digit Math Games
Arcademic Skillbuilders - choose addition or subtraction (only 1 digit but great speed practice)
Addtion with and without regrouping
1. Adding 2-digit with no regrouping
2. Addition with Regrouping
3. A good math model to look at on how to regroup while adding
4. Math Addition Baseball without regrouping - choose easy
Math General
Missing Number
Sketches World
1 digit addition - good practice and fun
1 & 2 digit subtraction - good practice and fun
- M.2.1.1.K5 Identifies coins, states their values and determines the total value to $1.00 of a mixed group of coins using pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters and half-dollars
1. Toon University Money - Drop the correct amount of money into the cup
2. Match the Money
3. Let's Compare Money
4. Piggy Bank Money
5. Counting Money
6. Money Match
7. Money Flashcards - Includes Dollar's too
8. Money Master's - More advanced - pick simple to begin - includes dollars
3.2.K4a measures length to the nearest inch or foot and to the nearest whole unit of a nonstanadard unit
Measurement - to the nearest inch and half-inch
1. Fishy Tales - measure in inches, feet and compare shortest to tallest
2. Teddy Bear Measurement - inches
3. Measure It - inches
4. TV Math - includes inches, feet, yard
5. Measurement Tools 2.4.1c
6. Poodle Weigh In with Measurement 2.4.1a
7. Heaviest to Lightest
8. Bug Measuring/Travel Measureing - click on bug or travel and mark what you want to measure first, then use the ruler - difficult
Graphing - build a graph - online & inteactive
Venn Diagram
Build a Venn Diagram with this online and interactive tool - easy to use
Timeline - an online interactive easy to use timeline - by date, time, event, other
1. Sums to 10
2. Adding
3. Balloon Pop Subtraction
4. Speed Drills
Addition for 2 digit plus 2 digit
4. Subtraction for 2 digit minus 1 digit
1. Fish Shop - choose your level (easy, medium, hard) - put in the net and click to catch the fish
2. Snowball Fight - choose fact family groups
3. Are You a Math Magician? - practice multiplication - after each answer, click enter - x1, x2, x3, - x10
Geometry - Flips (reflections) , Slides (translations) and Rotations (turns)
After you draw your shape, click on the edge and get ready to cut.
Activities to go with Reading Series - grade 2
Interactive Christmas story to read by yourself and gives question prompts
Email Santa
Winter Book
Use PowerPoint to create a book about Winter - see lesson plan booklet
Math Key Words - Smart Notebook software - lesson created by K. Manner - M drive (Tush) Grade 2
Flips (reflections), slides (translations) and rotations (turns) - ppt activity - see M drive (Tush)
Smartboard Money Interactive - found in M: - Tush - Grade 2
Adjective/Adverb Project
Adjective and Verb Project - M - Tush - Grade 2
Auburn 2nd Grade Website
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