Bubble Us - must create a free account
- Create colorful mind maps online
- Share and work with friends
- Embed your mind map in your blog or website
- Email and print your mind map
- Save your mind map as an image
Webspiration - must create a free account
Concpet mapping on the web with collaboration features. Use Webspiration to map out ideas, organize with outlines and collaborate online with teams or colleagues.
Online flow charts in a snap - must create a free account
Mindomo - must create a free account
Here is a tutorial on how to use this -
Blogger - need a free account
Blog Spot - need a free account
Kid Blog - password protected account
Moonfruit - must create free account
Build your own websites for free - an wealth of website templates available
Webnode - must create free account
Free website building
Weebly - must create free account
Build a free website (can create 50 free accounts for students)
Educator Pages
Wix - create a free account
Build a Flash based website for free
Free and easy websites for educators and business
Dipity - create a free account
need free account
need free account
need free account - very nice finished product
Digital Storytelling/Presentations
create emailable cards - easy to use - need free account
excellent for creating albums and can be purchased - need free account
create your own character and add animation
for younger students, create your own character - need free account
create animated comics - need free account
Voki is a free service that allows you to create personalized speaking avatars and use them on your blog, for story retelling and character descriptions - need a free account
build comic strips - need a free account
Teach the concept of animation without technology (not a web 2.0 tool)
Examples of claymation videos
good to know about but blocked by usd437
Great for motivational posters, character retellings, main idea, etc.
Must have a flickr account to upload photos from - create books online
Cool effects with the click of button
Inspired writing
need a free account to create online graphs
Create a Graph
Great for students - bar graph, pie graphs, line graphs
Visual Tools
visual vocabulary descriptions
Visually search
Great for students working on nouns and verbs.
vocabulary videos
Seach Cube - a visual way to search the web
Social Networks
Additional Web 2.0 tools
Cool Tools for Schools
Web 2.0
Discovery Learning web 2.0
more Web 2.0
Tech Soup 2.0
The Journal for Students web 2.0
Top 25 2.0
The following chart of I WANT MY STUDENTS TO BE ABLE TO... was taken from technolog tools for learning & teaching
Top 100 Web 2.0 tools (taken from technology bits)
Top 30
- Twitter - micro-sharing site | 1 | 1 | 11 | 43= F O
- YouTube - video-sharing tool | 2 | 3 | 18 | 22= F O
- Google Docs – collaboration suite (incl Google Forms) | 3 | 5 | 7 | 14 F O
- Skype - instant messaging/VoIP tool | 6 | 11= | 4 | 3= F/P D
- WordPress - blogging tool |8 | 6 | 5 | 6=6= F O/D
- Dropbox - file synching software | 13 | 71= | – | - F/P O/D
- Prezi - presentation software | 12 | 28 | - | - F O
- Moodle - course management system | 10 | 14= | 9 | 12= F/D
- Slideshare - presentation sharing site | 5 | 7 | 20 | 31 F O
- (Edu)Glogster - interactive poster tool | 25 | 55= | – | - F O
- Wikipedia - collaborative encyclopaedia | 16 | 17 | 13 | 26= F O
- Blogger/Blogspot - blogging tool | 14 | 14= | 10 | 9 F O
- diigo - social annotation tool | 15 | 22= | 35= | 72= F O
- Facebook - social network | 9 | 31= | 24 | 17= F O
- Google Search - search engine | 11 | 8 | 6 | 3 F O
- Google Reader - RSS reader | 7 | 4 | 3 | 7= F O
- Evernote - note-taking tool | 23 | 27 | – | 16= F D
- Jing - screen capture tool | 17 | 20 | 26= | - F D
- PowerPoint - presentation software | 21 | 13 | 8 | 5 P D
- Gmail - web-based email service | 31 | 21 | 14 | 7= F O
- LinkedIn - prof social network | 30 | 38= | 30= | 31= F O
- Edmodo - edu social networking site | 46 | 88 | – | - F O
- Wikispaces - wiki tool | 17 | 29 | 19 | 15 F/P O
- Delicious - social bookmarking tool | 4 | 2 | 1 | 2 F O
- Voicethread - collaborative slideshows | 19 | 19 | 23 | – F/P O
- Google+ - social network - F O Highest placed new tool
- Animoto - videos from images | 28 | 31= | - | - F O
- Camtasia- screencasting tool | 27 | 26 | 26= | 50= P D
- Audacity - sound editor/recorder | 24 | 9= | 12 | 11 F D
- TED Talks - inspirational videos F O New
31- 65
- Yammer - private microsharing platform | 68 | 71= | – | - F/P O
- Google Earth - virtual globe | 41 | 43= | 40=| 40= F D
- Scoopit - curation software – F O New
- PBWorks - wiki tool | 33 | 34 | 35= | 43= F/P O
- Google Apps - branded app suite | 34 | 38= | 68= | - F/P O
- flickr - photo sharing site | 20 | 18 | 15 | 16 F O
- Tweetdeck - Twitter client | 37 | 43= | - | - F D
- Google Maps - online maps | 58 | 67 | 34 | 36= F O
- Wordle - word cloud generator | 22 | 30 | - | – F O
- Voki- speaking avatar creator | 75 | - | – | - F O
- Symbaloo - Internet portal/dashboard F O New
- Word - word processing software | 60 | 36= | 22 | 10 P D
- Google Sites - wiki/website tool | 39= | 71= | 59= | - F O
- iPad and apps - New
- Google Chrome - web browser | 44 | 55= | – | - F D
- Articulate – e-learning software | 43 | 24 | 25 | 22= P D
- Snagit - screen capture tool | 42 | 25 | 21 | 26= P D
- Adobe Captivate - demo/scenario tools | 38 | 22= | 30= | 17= P D
- Vimeo - video sharing site | 70 | – | - | - F O
- Geogebra - maths software for schools – F D New
- Screenr - screencasting tool | 58 | 55= | – | – F O
- Mindmeister - mindmapping software | 73= | 55= | 42= | - P D
- Picasa - photo organiser | 46 | 63 | - | 57= F D
- Wallwisher - online noticeboard | - 26 | - | - | - F O
- iPhone/iPod Touch and apps | 39 | 31= | 50= | 43=
- Scribd - document sharing tool | 54 | 71=| 83= | 50= F O
- Ning - private social networking plat form | 31 | 11= | 16 | 31= P O
- eFront - course management system F/P D/O New
- Adobe Connect - web conferencing tool | 61 | 41= | 66= | 72= P O
- Elluminate/Blackboard Collaborate - web conferencing | 35 | 43= | 50= | 50= P O
- OpenOffice - office suite |61 | 71= | 41= | 31= F D
- Storybird - collaborative storytelling | 71 | – | – | - F O
- Knol - share what you know – F O New
- LiveBinders - 3-ring binder for the web | 61 | – | – | – F O
- Sharepoint - intranet platform | 75= | 50= | – | - P D
In this the bottom 1/3rd of the list, there are a lot of tied places.
- iTunes and iTunesU - music/podcast player/site | 51 | 41= | 28 | 26= F/P D
- Mahara - e-portfolio platform F D New
- lino - online stickies F O New
- Outlook - email client | 95 | 67= | 38= | 17= P D
- Posterous - blogging software | 36 | 55= | – | - F O
- Storify - makes stories using social media F O New
- Udutu - collaborative course authoring tool | 95 | 64= | – | - F/P O
- Hootsuite - social media dashboard | 74= | – | – | – F D
- BigBlueButton - web conferencing F O New
- Edublogs - educational blogging tool | 48 | 49 | 59= | 72= F O
- Etherpad + clones - real-time text collab | 50 | 71= | – | - F O
- iGoogle - personalised start page | 44 | 16 | 17 | 17= F O
- iMovie - Video editing software | 95 | 88= | 66= | - P D
- Khan Academy - learning platform F O New
- SurveyMonkey - survey tool | 48= | 88= | 54= | - F/P O
- Excel - spreadsheet software | – | 50= | 27 P D
- Google Calendar - online calendar | 53 | 50= | 29 | 36= F O
- Kindle - ebook reader New
- Poll Everywhere - instant audience feedback F/P O/D New
- Quizlet - flash card and study games website F O New
- Screencast-0-matic - online screen recorder F O New
- TeacherTube - edu video sharing site | 90 | 64= | 80= | 57= F O
- Zotero - collect/manage research | 57 | – | 66= | 72= F O
- Blackboard - course management system | 68 | – | – | - P D
- Android phones and apps | 85 | - | - | -
- bubblus - collaborative mind mapping tool | 89 | 55= | 83= | - F O
- Buddypress - social networking software F D New
- Composica - social e-learning authoring system P D New
- Adobe Flash - animation authoring | 81= | 38= | 38= | 43= P D
- Fuze meeting - web conferencing P O New
- Netvibes - personal start page | 61 | 55= | 37 | 26= F O
- - daily digest of tweets F O New
- ReadItLater - save pages for later F O New
- Weebly - website/blog software F O New
- OneNote - personal information manager | 85= | – | 66= | - P D
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