The Finding Dulcinea people always have great stuff. With helpful Web Guides, especially the SweetSearch Social Studies page.
These posts were put together from the Finding Dulcinea site.
Here’s Part One with a focus on government stuff, speeches and oral histories:
The Library of Congress is a great source to find historical documents, photos, art, maps, audio and video, artifacts and other items. The American Memory section organizes items based on topics, time periods and places of American history. The World Digital Library, a cooperative project with UNESCO, includes rare documents from around the world.
The National Archives and Records Administration has a massive collection of material on U.S. history that can sometimes be overwhelming to search through. The Resources for National History Day Research page guides students on where to find material in the archives.
PBS has a wide range of resources including the companion Web sites for the American Experience documentary series. Also visit the American Masters series for biographies of historical figures.
George Mason University’s Center for History and New Media has created a range of Web sites designed for the needs of students and teachers. It includes basic surveys of U.S. and world history, sites that teach students to use primary sources, and sites that provide lesson plans and ideas for teachers.
The Smithsonian Institution has a wide variety of exhibitions and collections on American history and culture. It also offers lesson plans searchable by grade level, type of resource and historical topic.
Our Courts offers civics lessons created by former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor. The page offers great resources for middle school students and their teachers including writing assignments and online games.
The Constitutional Rights Foundation offers a wide array of resources, including lesson plans and enrichment texts, on constitutional issues.
The National Archives’ Charters of Freedom explains the making of and impact of the Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights. It includes images of the documents, biographies of the framers, and fun facts.
The University of Virginia’s Miller Center of Public Affairs is the best resource for studying U.S. presidents.
The Center on Congress at Indiana University offers interactive simulations that explain how Congress operates. It includes video and audio from congressmen and others.
The Library of Congress’ A Century of Lawmaking provides the records of the Continental Congress, Constitutional Convention and first 43 sessions of Congress (1789-1873).
The Oyez Project at Northwestern University allows you to listen to the Supreme Court justices as they deliberate cases, providing a complete source of all audio recorded since the installation of a recording system in the Court in 1955.
University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law professor Douglas Linder has compiled research pages for more than 50 of the most famous trials in history, each page includes a detailed account of the events, court documents, trial excerpts and other primary documents such as newspaper accounts and letters.
The Library of Congress’ Chronicling America displays images of late 19th and early 20th century American newspaper pages.
American Rhetoric is dedicated to archiving American speeches, lectures, sermons, interviews and “other important media events.” Its “Online Speech Bank” contains full text, audio and video for more than 5,000 speeches.
History and Politics Out Loud is a searchable multimedia database documenting and delivering authoritative audio relevant to American history and politics.
Historical Voices is a fully searchable online database of spoken word collections spanning the 20th century.
Michigan State University’s Vincent Voice Library is home to over 40,000 hours of audio from more than 100,000 “political and cultural leaders and minor players in the human drama,” dating back to 1888.
The Library of Congress’ “Voices from the Days of Slavery: Former Slaves Tell Their Stories” features audio of 20th century interviews of 23 former slaves.
The Veterans of the Civil Rights Movement features testimony of members of Civil Rights organizations such as CORE, NAACP, SCLC and SNCC, who submit stories about their experiences or write commentary on the movement and current events.
Letters of Note offers a digital copy of an historic handwritten note each day, along with a transcript.
The University of Virginia’s “The Valley of the Shadow: Two Communities in the American Civil War” chronicles two counties, Augusta County, Va., and Franklin County, Penn., contrasting their experiences from John Brown’s Raid to the end of Reconstruction.
The University of Michigan’s “Spy Letters of the American Revolution” featutres spy letters written by both American and British forces. It includes maps of the routes they traveled and biographies of those who sent and received the letters.
Archiving Early America presents a wide array of primary source material on 18th century America, such as newspapers, maps, writings and portraits.
EyeWitness to History features first-person accounts of prominent events in U.S. and world history, along with a simple explanation of the event’s importance.
Part Two focuses on primary documents, history magazines, current events, geography and economic sites:
The National Archives’ Our Documents created a list of the 100 most important documents in U.S. history. Each entry contains an image of the document, a transcript and an essay explaining the document’s significance.
The National Archives’ Teaching With Documents section presents lessons plans that explain historical events through primary documents.
EyeWitness to History features first-person accounts of prominent events in U.S. and world history, along with a simple explanation of the event’s importance.
Ohio State University’s eHistory has a massive collection of famous documents, letters collections and online books. The highlight of the collection is the Official Records of the Civil War, made up of material from the military departments of the Union and Confederacy.
Yale Law School’s Avalon Project provides a database of documents such as laws, treaties, declarations, constitutions, speeches and statements from ancient history to the 21st century.
The University of Virginia’s “The Valley of the Shadow: Two Communities in the American Civil War” chronicles two counties, Augusta County, Va., and Franklin County, Penn., contrasting their experiences from John Brown’s Raid to the end of Reconstruction.
Archiving Early America presents a wide array of primary source material on 18th century America, such as newspapers, maps, writings and portraits. It also includes Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography and an 1807 biography of George Washington.
The University of North Carolina’s “North American Slave Narratives” is a collection of slave biographies and autobiographies published as books or pamphlets.
HarpWeek examines presidential elections, the Civil War, Reconstruction and other events of 19th century America through the articles and cartoons of Harper’s Weekly.
Daryl Cagle’s Teachers’ Guide for the Professional Cartoonists Index offers lesson plans for using modern editorial cartoons in the classroom.
The National Security Archive is an independent institute located at The George Washington University that presents documents to the public after they have been declassified by the government.
The National Parks Service’s Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System is a database that makes it easy to find personal records Civil War soldiers, sailors, prisoners and regiments.
American Heritage makes many of its articles written since its 1954 debut available online.
History Now is a quarterly journal put out by the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History that is designed for history students and teachers. The journal includes lessons plans and its articles include lists of books and online resources on the topic at hand.
George Mason University’s History Matters features 100 Web-based assignments, examples of course syllabi, advice on how to evaluate Web sites and essays on how to utilize primary sources.
Teaching History with Technology offers a wealth of resources for incorporating the Internet into the history curriculum, including these innovative projects.
National Geographic’s Xpeditions has hundreds of educator-created lesson plans written by educators that complement the site’s interactive maps and tools.
The CIA World Factbook gives an overview of every country in the world, with maps, flags and facts on physical and political geography.
The Morningside Center’s Teachable Moment offers lesson plans on current events for K-12.
The Newseum provides a look at today’s front page of 827 newspapers in 77 countries, giving students the chance to see how differently news is covered from city to city and country to country.
PBS Frontline’s Teacher Center is a collection of lesson plans and activities to accompany Frontline documentaries in the classroom.
The Guardian’s Interactive Guides give interactive overviews of significant issues occurring in the world today.
Fed101 is from the Federal Reserve and is full of information with lessons, activities, games and quizzes. Click on Teacher Resources for an excellent economics search engine.
Council for Economic Education offers 20 American standards for teaching economics, with links to lesson plans and benchmarks for each one.
The Economics Search Engine is a custom search engine that only searches 23,000 Web sites recommended by associations of economists
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