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I want my students to be able to ____
Page history
last edited
by dawntush 12 years, 9 months ago
The first part of this page has information from: Ed Tech Teacher - Technology tools for teaching and learning.
I want my students to be able to...
- I want my students to be able to create web based timelines.
- I want my students to create web based mind maps / graphic organizers.
- I want my students to publish their writing online for others to read.
- I want real-time, online discussion with my students.
- I want my students to search and evaluate web sites.
- I want to create guided research activities for my students.
- I want to connect my students to other students around the world.
- I want my students to create online portfolios.
- I want my students to create books, magazines, posters, or newsletters online.
- I want my students to record or edit audio.
- I want to use an interactive whiteboard effectively with my students.
- I want my students to create and edit maps.
- I want my students to draw or create comics on the Internet.
- I want to create tests, quizzes, and games online.
- I want my students to organize, bookmark and edit their research online.
- I want to find or create rubrics for multimedia projects.
- I want to connect to other teachers to share ideas and resources.
I want my students to be able to create web based timelines
Tool |
Description |
Usefulness Rating (1-5) |
Ease-of-Use Rating |
Timetoast |
Free tool that allows text and images in each timeline entry. Also provides an embed code for each timeline.
Example: Moon Landings
3 |
Easy |
Ourstory |
Free: Students can create a personal timeline, invite others to collaborate, share & embed the final product. Intended for individual timeline, but students could create one for a historical figure. |
3 |
Medium |
Timeglider |
Free & Beta: Great tool, yet still in beta. Images & links for each event, timelines can be embedded. Unique feature: new events can be added to multiple timelines & timelines are printable. Outstanding interface, visually appealing to use.
Example: New York Times
3 |
Medium |
ReadWriteThink Timeline |
No sign in or account needed. Extremely easy to navigate and enter events. Timelines can be printed when finished & timelines can be edited while working, but work is not saved.
3 |
Easy |
Xtimeline |
Free & Beta: A permanent URL is created for each timeline. There are three privacy settings and discussion below each timeline. Unique features: events can be tagged and a source url can be provided.
Example: History of Cell Phones
3 |
Medium |
Capzles |
Visually appealing, image based timeline creator. Unique Feature: Video, images, mp3, word, excel, powerpoint & pdf can be uploaded. Events can be “stacked” on the timeline. Timelines can be edited and shared. The most visually appealing timeline tool.
Example: Battle of Shiloh
4 |
Medium |
I want my students to create web based mindmaps/graphic organizer
Tool |
Description |
Usefulness Rating (1-5) |
Ease-of-Use Rating |
Glinker |
Free mindmapping tool. Ideas can include expandable details & links to URLs. Ideas can be linked together, edited and final product includes embed code. Unique Feature: select the license type for your mindmap.
Example: Oil Supply Crisis
3 |
Medium |
Bubbl.us |
Intuative mindmapping tool. Students can start creating right away without creating an account. Maps can be printed & saved with a free account. Embed code, sharing, collaboration included.
Ideas for using Bubbl.us
4 |
Easy |
mindmeister |
Free account available. Visually appealing interface with extra features. Maps can be shared for collaboration, published, printed/exported as a pdf and embedded.
Example: How to Win Friends
3 |
Medium |
Mindomo |
Free acount with 7 mindmaps. Maps can be public or private and password protected. Number of features include: multimedia (image, audio, youtube video), formatting & topic relationships editing & unique mindmap URL.
Example: Mindomo Tutorial
4 |
Medium |
Text2MindMap |
Completely stripped down mindmapping tool with no frills. Begin with a list and then tab in ideas from the list to indicate new nodes & subnodes on the mindmap. Maps can’t be saved using this tool
Example: Months of the Year
4 |
Easy |
WiseMapping |
Free mindmapping tool that allows for collaborative mindmapping. Finished mindmaps are printable and exportable as pdf or image files. Key Features include:
- Publish & share a mindmap
- Insert a link into any map node & view a tiny screenshot of the website.
3 |
Medium |
exploratree |
Free account provides pre-made, web based "Thinking Guides." Use the categorized templates to organize ideas. All templates can be customized or an original template can be created. Projects can be shared and edited by other users.
Example: Appraisal SWOT
4 |
High |
I want my students to publish their writing online
Tool |
Description |
Usefulness Rating (1-5) |
Ease-of-Use Rating |
Google Docs |
Free Google account. Create documents, presentations, spreadsheets, form or drawing. Organize into folders, publish to the web and share documents with other users. Supports existing document upload (word & powerpoint).
Example: Interesting Ways to Use an iPod Touch in the Classroom
5 |
Easy |
Issuu |
Free account allows for document uploads that can be embedded. Embed presentation is in a flipbook style where documents pages can be flipped and read easily.
Example: Emmett Till Lesson Plan
4 |
Easy |
Free account allows for pdf uploads that can be embedded. Very similar to issuu.
Example: How to do 11 Techy Things in the New School Year
3 |
Easy |
Scribd |
Free account allows pdf upload. New feature allows Google Documents to be directly uploaded within your scribd account. Scribd files can then be embedded.
Example: 10,000 Hour Rule Lesson
4 |
Easy |
Calaméo |
Free account. Similar to issuu and scribd, but allows word as well as pdf upload. Embed code provided for uploaded documents.
3 |
Easy |
Docstoc |
Free account allows pdf, word, spreadsheet and powerpoint uploads. Uploaded documents are given embed code.
4 |
Easy |
All of these tools are clones of Etherpad (bought by Google) and offer the same functionality: live, online, collaborative writing. There is no sign up required; simply click to create a new pad, add multiple users through invite or by sharing the pad URL. Pads can then be downloaded as various file formats.
4 |
Easy |
I want real-time, online discussion with my students
Tool |
Description |
Usefulness Rating (1-5) |
Ease-of-Use Rating |
TodaysMeet |
Free tool allows chat rooms to be created instantly. Rooms can be: named, given specific time frame, include twitter # discussions. Quick and easy set up, but rooms are public. Try Chatzy if you need privacy
4 |
Easy |
Chatzy |
Free tool allows chat rooms to be created quickly. Features Include:
- Quick chat: invite people to join via email
- Virtual Rooms: password protected
3 |
Medium |
Google Moderator |
Students can post questions or comments to the moderated discussion. Once comments are posted, students can "vote" for the idea, or comment on a post. Comments can then be sorted based on the number of votes it received, and can be posted anonymously or require a Google account.
Example: What did you do this summer?
4 |
Easy |
Google Docs |
Google Documents allows synchronous editing by multiple users on one document.
- By default Google doc is private
- Change by clicking “Share”
- Make the document public
- Allow anyone to edit
- Distribute the URL
Example: Halloween Story
Tutorial: Google Docs in Plain English
4 |
Easy |
I want my students to search and evaluate Web Sites
Tool |
Description |
Usefulness Rating (1-5) |
Ease-of-Use Rating |
Google Advanced Search |
Narrow down a search by:
- Exact words or phrase
- Including additional terms
- Excluding terms
- Choosing the file type (pdf, ppt)
- Search within a specific domain
- Choose where search terms are located within a website
- Other parameters
EdTechTeacher Tutorial: Google Advanced Search
5 |
Medium |
Google Timeline (Located in the left hand column after a Google search has been conducted.)
Search visualized into a timeline based on the dates related to the search term. Timeline is interactive and the search term can be explored down to a specific year. Timeline is great for understanding where a topic fits into a bigger historical picture.
Example: Jackie Robinson Timeline
5 |
Easy |
RefSeek |
Academic search engine that makes academic information easier to access than typical search engines. Refseek cuts down on the overload of non-academic search results by eliminating sponsored links and commercial search results.
Features include:
- Search web
- Search documents
- Related search terms provided
- Search within a site for more detailed search results
Example: Flowers Search (free of advertisements)
5 |
Easy |
Sweet Search |
Search engine for students that only uses 35,000 sites. Spam sites and sites lacking academic rigor are excluded. Also, older sites that are still relevant will not be buried in the search results.
Key Features:
- Search terms can be further explored with Yo Link by searching for a specific term within a search. Specific search results can be shared directly to Google docs.
- Sweet Search 4 Me: search engine designed specifically for younger students.
Example: World War Two
5 |
Easy |
Wolfram Alpha |
WolframAlpha is a unique, web based computation engine. The results differ in that the search results will be data driven. Whereas a Google search will provide links to endless information, this search engine will provide data. This search tools is an outstanding resource for math and science research. Provides "Examples by Topic" with tips on how to use the search engine across disciplines.
Example: United States vs. Russia - Population
Medium |
Wayback Machine |
A unique search tool that allows students to search the history of the internet. By searching a specific website or URL, students can view the changes over time and how the website has progress and changed. This tool is helpful with identifying the validity of a site in question.
Example: Boston Globe
Easy |
Kathy Schrock's Critical Evaluation Surveys |
Kathy Schrock provides a series of helpful website evaluation questions designed for different grade levels: Elementary School, Middle School, Secondary School. These were last updated in February 2009
Example: Secondary School Level
4 |
Easy |
NoodleTools |
Noodle Tools provides a range of free and subscription-based web search and annotation tools. The free "Choose the Best Search for Your Information Need" tool helps students define topics, select search tools, and search effectively.
4 |
Easy |
I want to create guided research activities for my students
Tool |
Description |
Usefulness Rating (1-5) |
Ease-of-Use Rating |
Google Customized Search Engine (CSE) |
Requires a Google account to make a customized search engine. Create a specific and narrowed down search engine and control what websites will be included in the search results.
Key Features:
- CSE is saved and can be edited later.
- CSE generates a link that students can visit to conduct a custome search.
- CSE generates an embed code for a blog or website.
Example: Expanding Your Horizons
5 |
Medium |
QuestGarden |
WebQuests are structured Internet research exercises that lead students to create an educational product. They provide a simple structure for student inquiry on the Web, guiding them towards important questions and the most useful Web sites. There are tens of thousands of WebQuests to adapt as well as a template to create your own at QuestGarden.
Note: Check that WebQuest links are not broken.
View EdTechTeacher's Guided Inquiry Activities for more information on WebQuests.
5 |
Easy |
TrackStar |
Simply collect websites, enter them into TrackStar, add annotations for your students, and you have an interactive, online lesson called a "Track." Create your own Track or use one already made by other educators. , the instructions are clear and well illustrated and by all accounts the system is stable, well designed, and easy-to-use. You can search or create Tracks by subject, grade level, standards, etc .
Slideshow: Introduction to TrackStar
4 |
Easy |
I want to connect my students to other students around the world
Tool |
Description |
Usefulness Rating (1-5) |
Ease-of-Use Rating |
ePals |
Connect your classroom and students to other students around the world through collaborative projects. ePals allows interaction from class to class, student to student or group to group. Free service.
Unique Feature: Teachers can batch create accounts for students in their class and ePals provides a Parental Consent and Privacy form.
Tip: Join an ongoing ePals project for instant connections
4 |
Medium |
The International Education and Resource Network (iEARN) allows classrooms to connect on international projects with other students from around the world. There are more than 30,000 schools from 130 countries involved.
Unique Feature: With over 150 projects in action, iEARN Country Coordinators will help in the process of getting your class involved in a project.
Note: Several there are excellent iEARN projects, but the service is not free.
3 |
Medium |
The Global Education Collaborative |
The Global Education Collaborative (GEC) is a community for teachers interested in global education to share resources, discuss topics around global education, and engage in collaborative projects in their classrooms.
Note: Does not specifically connect classrooms, but provides access to individuals and organizations interested in collaborative projects.
4 |
Easy |
TakingITGlobal |
TakingitGlobal is a social network for teachers and students that allows them to get involved in or create projects from a range of issues. View projects that are in planning or in progress and get involved.
Unique Feature: Search & create new projects with a worldwide audience.
3 |
Medium |
Skype |
Download Skype for free and connect your classroom to any other Skype classroom in the world. Skype doesn't provide the connections or projects, but it allows experts in a field, authors, classrooms & students to connect quickly and easily.
Unique Feature: new Skype in the Classroom directory
Education Resources: EdTechTeacher Tutorials & Classroom2.0 Discussion
5 |
Medium |
I want my students to create online portfolios
Tool |
Description |
Usefulness Rating (1-5) |
Ease-of-Use Rating |
Wikispaces |
The Basic account allows for unliminted users and 2GB storage. The Plus account ($50/yr) allows for great customization, ad-free pages & increased privacy. Teachers can be upgraded to the Plus account for free by certifying that the wiki will be used for educational purposes.
Key Feature: Create student accounts, customize privacy / security & upgrade to Plus account for free.
EdTechTeacher video tutorial: Wikis and Collaborative Learning Part I
5 |
Medium |
PBWorks |
Free Wiki platform allows for 100 users and 2GB storage.
$99/yr Classroom edition allows for increased editing control.
Educators and students can create collaborative projects, share notes, publish work & portfolios online.
Example: Teaching Thoughtful Learners
4 |
Medium |
Blogger |
Free blogging platform, part of a Google account. (Potentially becoming part of Google Apps for Education) Create multiple blogs within one account, easily change the layout, choose from a number of widgets and easily change comment settings to moderate reader comments.
Unique Features:
- New layout tool allows blog layout to be changed without adjusting HTML Code.
- Blogger in Draft now allows blogs to be made mobile friendly.
EdTechTeacher video tutorial: Getting Started with Blogging
4 |
Medium |
edublogs |
Edublogs is a free blogging platform designed specifically for schools, teachers and students.
Unique Feature: Upgrade to a Pro account ($3.33 / month) and manage 50 blogs without advertising.
Video Introduction to Edublogs
5 |
Medium |
Kidblog |
Kidblog is a free blogging platform designed for elementary and middle school students. Teachers can monitor and control all activity within the platform. Student blogs are private and only viewable by the teacher and class.
5 |
Easy |
Wordpress |
Free blogging platform, not designed specifically for students or teachers, but it provides more options, settings, and custom design options than many other platforms.
Beginner WordPress video tutorial
4 |
Medium |
I want my students to create books, magazines, posters, or newsletters online
Tool |
Description |
Usefulness Rating (1-5) |
Ease-of-Use Rating |
Bookr |
Create and share your own photobook using images from Flickr. Easily create a cover, add pages, insert images & text. This is a great option for creating online books with a shorter amount of text with image backgrounds.
Example: Snow Creatures
3 |
Easy |
Glogster |
Create multimedia posters and reports infused with animations, audio, and video. (No more 2D posterboard and coloring pens!) Impressive product with strong educational outreach program. Free Basic and Premium account options. Can set up a class account. There is also a good Glogster Overview on their site to help you get started.
Example: Vertebrates and Reptiles
5 |
Easy |
Letterpop |
Free web based tool to create, publish and share newsletters. Choose from multiple templates, import pictures, edit text & click share to publish your newsletter.
Example: Letterpop Examples
4 |
Medium |
Mixbook |
Create free photobooks online. Create a photobook, upload pictures & invite friends to collaborate online on the project.
Unique Feature: Upload pictures from multiple online image sharing services, add text and zoom & rotate images.
Example: Mixbook Gallery
3 |
Medium |
Bookrix |
Bookrix is a free combination of social media and web based publishing that allows students to publish and share their work socially. Within Bookrix, authors can create a profile & blog that can be shared with social media websites.
Example: Bookrix Popular Books
4 |
Medium |
Penzu |
Free web based journal tool. Journals are private by default, pictures can be included in entries, and journal entries can be shared via email.
Unique Feature: Penzu has the closest “feel” of paper available & mobile (iPhone & Droid) phones can access, edit and write to your Penzu journal.
5 |
Easy |
Tikatok |
Publish a children’s book with Tikatok. Great option for primary grade teachers. Free teacher account allows teachers to create student accounts, create writing prompts & publish student work in traditional paper books.
Unique Feature: Student created storybooks can be saved as a pdf file that can be used on many e-readers.
Example: Tikatok Story Sparks
4 |
Medium |
Simplebooklet |
No signup required (free account also available to save booklets). Click CREATE and begin to insert text, image, url, upload files, embed codes & music. Add multiple pages to the booklet & click PUBLISH when complete.
Booklets can be shared via URL, twitter or email or be made public or private.
3 |
Medium |
I want my students to record or edit audio.
Tool |
Description |
Usefulness Rating (1-5) |
Ease-of-Use Rating |
Audacity |
Audacity is a free download for windows or mac that has all of the necessary features to create podcasts. Audio can be recorded live, uploaded, mixed together, cut and remixed easily. Audacity Tutorials
4 |
Medium |
GarageBand (Mac Only) |
GarageBand, part of Apple iLife suite of programs, is a music studio in your mac, that can be used to make professional, high quality podcast & audio recordings. Use the built in mic to record & choose from the built in GarageBand Apple Loops for background music. This tool is easy to pick up and comes with great built-in help / support.
EdTechTeacher GarageBand Tutorials
EdTechTeacher example: A Day in the Life of a Hobo
4 |
Medium |
Vocaroo |
A truly unique and quick podcasting option. Audio is recorded live on the website & then available to email or embed in a website or blog. This is a great option for a classroom without any podcasting software. Recordings can also be downloaded for future editing. Unique Feature: Instant embed code is created for any recording.
5 |
Easy |
Voicethread |
VoiceThread allows students to create narrated slide shows & presentations. Upload images, record (or upload) voice comments, and publish the project online. Voicethread is great for group collaboration that allows students to engage in an ongoing discussion based on the images uploaded to the presentation. Unique Feature: Final products have a number of privacy settings that will fit within most AUP. There are also account options for educators.
Example: Russian Revolution Review
VoiceThread Project Library
5 |
Medium |
Google Voice |
Google Voice is free with a google account. Create a unique phone number through google that students can call. Calls placed to a google voice account are stored in an email-like inbox that can then be downloaded as an mp3 file, or embedded. Unique Feature: Google Voice allows students to use their cell phones to create audio files.
4 |
Easy |
Hi-Q Recording (PC Download) |
Download Hi-Q and begin recording podcast. Simple interface & easy to use. Unique Feature: Hi-Q allows you to record streaming audio or video that is playing on your computer.
3 |
Easy |
iPod Recorder/ Belkin TuneTalk |
Turn an older model iPod into a recording device with any number of ipod recorders. With just a few ipods and recorders, many students can be recording and creating podcasts simultaneously. Once recording is complete, sync the ipod to extract the new voice recording for later use. Tip: Be sure to convert the extracted voice recording to an mp3 file or upload the recording to an editing program (garageband or audacity) to create a polished podcast.
4 |
Medium |
Chirbit |
Chirbit is a free web based recording option that allows you to quickly share the recordings via facebook, twitter & through short urls. Unique Feature: Text to Chirbit option allows typed comments to be quickly turned into audio that can be shared on the web.
4 |
Easy |
Audiopal |
AudioPal is a free web based service that can create recordings through phone, mic, upload or text. Unique Feature: When recording is complete, enter your email address to receive the embed code for the recording.
4 |
Easy |
Yodio |
Use your cell phone to narrate pictures. Create a card (one picture & one recording) or a tour (many pictures & multiple recordings). Create a free account and include your cell phone to quickly call & record a Yodio.
4 |
Easy |
MyBrainShark |
Brainshark is a free web based tool. Quickly add audio to narrate a Powerpoint or document. Use a phone to narrate the presentation and then grab the embed code for a website or blog.
3 |
Medium |
Voxli |
Create a free web based, group chat with Voxli. Quickly create an audio chat room & share the url with up to 200 guests. This is a great option for a synchronous meeting, interview or group project.
4 |
Easy |
Audioboo |
Either through the web, or from a mobile device, quickly create and share audio recordings. The free account allows up to five minutes of audio at a time, and students can include an image as well as their geographic location when the recordings come from a mobile device.
5 |
Medium |
I want to use an interactive whiteboard with my students.
Tool |
Description |
Usefulness Rating (1-5) |
Ease-of-Use Rating |
Triptico (Download) |
Free download application that with multiple whiteboard specific tools: Word Magnets, Choose 10, Order Resource, Team Scorer & Student Selector. Tools can be manipulated with an interactive whiteboard or mouse.
5 |
Medium |
Flockdraw |
Free web based tool to collaborate in real time through a unique url. Anyone can begin working on a canvas without registration, and there can be an unlimited number of collaborators on a project. Primarily used for visual arts, although it does include a text feature. Key Features:
- Embed Code Provided
- Chat Window
- Save work
3 |
Easy |
Cacoo |
Free online whiteboard with a tremendous amount of stock images to use on projects. Whiteboards can be exported, shared with other cacoo users or made viewable publicly. This is a great tool for collaborative design.
Key Features:
- Board can be kept private
- Multiple users at once
- Huge amount of existing image content
4 |
Medium |
CoSketch |
Free web based platform that allows for multi-user collaboration without an account. Simply share the url and anyone can participate. You can save your sketch image to embed, except when using Google Maps as a background.
Key Feature: Use Google Maps as a background to any workspace.
3 |
Easy |
Nota |
Free web based platform that also allows for multi-user collaboration. Editors can be added to any project, but new editors do not need a Nota account, simply invite via email. Projects can be public or private. Key Features:
- YouTube, Wikipedia & Google Maps can be included in a project.
- Images from Flickr, Picasa and Facebook can be imported into a project.
- Projects have embed code.
4 |
Medium |
Skribl |
Quickly create a free online workspace for collaboration. Simply share the url and begin work. Upload images, text or files to work on in real time.
3 |
Easy |
Skriblink |
Web based, multi-user workspace. Create a new workspace without making an account & invite others via email or URL. Workspaces can be saved (email link will be sent later) or printed when complete.
Key Features:
- Math type supported & allows for equations to be included.
- Chat feature included phone conferencing feature.
4 |
Easy |
Vyew |
Vyew is a web based, collaborative work space. A free account allows for up to 10 collaborators on a workspace. Insert files, urls or images into the workspace.
Key Features:
- Conference calling (number is auto generated)
- Webcam
- Chatroom
4 |
High |
I want my students to create and edit maps.
Tool |
Description |
Usefulness Rating (1-5) |
Ease-of-Use Rating |
Google Maps |
Google Maps provides editing tools to create and personalize online map. Click the My Maps tab to create a new map. Add placemarks, highlight locations, and more.
Example: map related to the novel My Brother Sam is Dead
Google Maps User Guide
4 |
Medium |
UMapper |
Quickly create, edit and annotate maps with this web based tool. Mapping services to choose from include: Bing, Google, Yahoo and Openstreet. Maps can be tagged, routes created, and media embedded within the map (audio & image). Once a map is complete it can be shared or embedded.
3 |
Medium |
Woices |
Create location based audio maps with Woices in three simple steps. Pick a location, name the map and record (or upload) audio. Woices allows students to create an audio layer of information for their community or geographic location of study.
Key Feature: iPhone and Android applications allows for Woices creation on mobile phones.
3 |
Medium |
Open Street Map |
Similar to Google Maps, but open-source.
3 |
Medium |
Quick Maps |
Quickmaps allows you to “doodle on Google”. Choose your location, draw lines, scribble, place markers and embed the final product.
3 |
Easy |
Scribble Maps |
Edit and make notations on Google Maps with this web based mapping tool. Features include: text, image & markers. Final product can be saved and shared with an embed code.
3 |
Easy |
I want my students to draw or create comics on the web.
Tool |
Description |
Usefulness Rating (1-5) |
Ease-of-Use Rating |
Sketchast |
Record a sketch live as it is being created & narrate the recording. This tool is useful for having students demonstrate their understanding of math equations and concepts. When finished, the audio sketch can be embedded.
Example: Explore Sketcast
3 |
Easy |
Sketchfu |
Create drawings online & play them back instantly to view the product as it was created. Finished products can be shared online. Unique Feature: Sketchfu captures art as it is being created and allows others to see the process of creating in action.
3 |
Easy |
Chogger |
Create comics online by creating original art or uploading pictures to your comic strip. Add speech or thought bubbles and quickly publish a finished product.
3 |
Medium |
Kerpoof |
Create fully animated comics onine with Kerpoof. Choose from a library of scenes and characters, add animation, movement, music and speech bubbles to bring a story idea to life. Extremely intuitive menu bar and helpful video tutorials make this tool quite useful. Key Feature: Teacher Account allows teachers to register students and create classes where students can collaborate on creations.
Example: Kerpoof Classroom Ideas
4 |
Medium |
ToonDoo |
Free individual account, Premium educator account is based on number of participants and length of use, fees are reasonable. Education account allows for greater privacy and security. Completed projects can be shared or embedded.
Example: ToonDoo Hall of Fame
3 |
Medium |
ReadWriteThink - Comic Creator |
Extremely easy comic strip tool. The features are at a minimum: import people, text and props. Projects can be printed when complete.
4 |
Easy |
Scratch |
Scratch is a simplified programming language that allows students to create their own multi-media, interactive stories. There is a great deal of educational support material, including forums, ScratchED online community, videos, reference guide and ideas to get started. Scratch must be downloaded for use.
Example: Featured Projects
4 |
Medium |
I want to create tests, quizzes, and games online.
Tool |
Description |
Usefulness Rating (1-5) |
Ease-of-Use Rating |
Quia |
Quia provides an online platform specifically for teachers to create quizzes, games and assignments online. The annual educator account is $49. Unique Feature: Students receive instant feedback on their quizzes and assignments. There are over 15 assignment types to choose from and teachers can share and collaborate on created assignments.
Example: Quia Sample Activities
4 |
Medium |
Hot Potatoes |
This is a program that can be downloaded (Windows and Mac) to create assignments online. Assignment options include: multiple choice, short answer, jumbled sentence, crossword, matching, and gap filled. This is not intended as a test generator, but instead as a language exercise generator.
Example: Example Exercises
3 |
Medium |
Easy Test Maker |
This tool is a free, onilne test generator that allows you to create: multiple choice, fil in the blank, matching, short answer & true and false questions. Unique Feature: All question types can be included on one creation & alternate versions of test can be created instantly (with the Plus account, $14.95).
4 |
Medium |
QuizStar |
Free web based testing manager that allows educators to create a class, quizzes, administer quizzes and view results. Unique Feature: Multimedia files can be included in quizzes. There is also a unique student log in page with a tutorial.
4 |
Medium |
I want my students to organize, bookmark and edit their research online.
Tool |
Description |
Usefulness Rating (1-5) |
Ease-of-Use Rating |
Evernote |
Add notes, images, URL and clips from the web to this online organizational tool. With a free account, students can create folders for specific classes or research projects. Each new note that is added can be placed in a specific folder.
Key Features:
- Tag notes with specific keywords. Keywords can be searched later to find specific research notes.
- Pictures taken with cell phone can be text messages or emailed to Evernote account.
- iPhone & Android application allows for research and note taking away from computer.
4 |
Medium |
Springpad |
Free online organization tool, similar to Evernote. Create new folders to store an organize notes, bookmarks & URLs.
Key Features:
- Google Chrome Extension & iPhone application
- Look up ideas within Springpad that you want to add
- Tag notes with keywords
3 |
Medium |
WebKlipper |
Find online content, website or document. Insert the URL into Webklipper and the website can now have notations placed onto the content. The notations made on the URL are saved via a unique URL that can be shared with others. Users can demonstrate how they read a document based on the notations left behind.
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Diigo |
Diigo is a great tool to create, share, and annotate bookmarks. Create or join a group and share bookmarks with colleagues, students, and others. Annotation tools surpass Delicious.
Note: Delicious is a popular alternative, but is no longer supported by Yahoo.
EdTechTeacher video tutorial: Social Bookmarking with Diigo
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Easy |
I want to find or create rubrics for multimedia projects.
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Usefulness Rating (1-5) |
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Rubistar |
Use their pre-made rubrics for various types of projects, or create and customize a rubric to fit your specific needs.
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Medium |
Rubric Machine |
Type a topic into a search box, and choose from a vast number of rubrics.
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Medium |
University of Wisconsin-Stout Rubric Page |
Rubrics available for assessment of web and multimedia projects. Topics include:
- Wikis
- Web Sites
- Podcasts
- Writing
- Oral Presentations
- Research
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Easy |
Teach-Nology Rubric Tools |
This site provides an extensive list of rubrics, rubric generators and collections to choose from.
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Easy |
I want to connect to other teachers to share ideas and resources.
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Usefulness Rating (1-5) |
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Ning |
Ning allows anyone to create and customize their own social networking site. Ning enables educators to connect with each other to share materials, ideas, teaching strategies, and more. The most popular educator community Ning is Classroom 2.0. Examples:
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Easy |
Twitter |
Twitter is a free web tool that many educators use to connect to others. Twitter asks the question: “What are you doing?” Members respond in 140 characters or lesst. The power of Twitter is learning from and connecting with people on Twitter.
Tip: Find people with similar interests who you respect and follow them. Tweet regularly so people follow you.
EdTechTeacher Twitter for Teachers video tutorial
List of teachers on Twitter
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Medium |
I want my students to be able to ____
Tip: To turn text into a link, highlight the text, then click on a page or file from the list above.
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