
Common Core Resources

Page history last edited by dawntush 11 years ago

Pacing guides from a school on pinterest



These standards make explicit that the purpose of professional learning is for educators to develop the knowledge, skills, practices, and dispositions they need to help students perform at higher levels.  And while they are specific to Kansas, they certainly make sense to me as a robust set of universal expectations for effective professional learning.

*      http://plstandards.wikispaces.com/

*      http://stickystandards.org

*      http://lfkslearninglab.wikispaces.com/home


Social Studies passages on ReadWorks for Martin Luther King



Blog on Common Core




What is on this site? http://map.mathshell.org/materials/index.php

“Beta” versions of the currently released Classroom Challenges lessons for High School and Middle School, cross-referenced to the CCSSM content and practice standards. These are ready to download, print and use.

Prototype Summative Assessments , for monitoring progress at grades 7-10. These are presented in two forms:

Prototype Professional Develoment Modules . These five modules encourage groups of teachers to explore the practical and pedagogical concepts behind the MAP materials, such as formative assessment, collaborative learning and the use of unstructured problems.


Math Common Core blog with resources



CCState Standards Initiative Wiki



Pearson Common Core



ASCD Common Core Webinars



CC Workbook



The Mathematics Common Core Toolbox:

Districts and teachers alike can find support for building better math lessons that fit into new Common Core guidelines through this helpful site.


Khan Academy Common Core Map:

Those who’ve been using Khan Academy videos and lessons in the classroom can see how each relates to new Common Core standards using this map.


Literacy Design Collaborative:

The LDC offers templates, modules, and guidebooks for teachers that make it simple to develop engaging literacy lessons under Common Core.

CC Task Templates PDF



Illustrative Mathematics:

Get some guidance on the mathematics topics covered at every grade level under Common Core.


Teaching Channel:

The Teaching Channel site offers just over 100 videos on Common Core lessons, ideas, and more.


Achieve the Core:

This website encourages teachers to steal its tools for curriculum development.



Is that text at grade level? Use this handy online tool to measure a text for readability.


AASL Lesson Plan Database:

The American Association of School Librarians has loads of lesson plans and checklists for teachers that fall under Common Core standards.


Surveys of Enacted Curriculum:

Use reliable data to develop, plan, and compare your curriculum when you visit this site’s archive of PDF reports.


50 Common Core Resources for Teachers



Common Core Video Resources

Common Core Videos - The Teaching Channel



Inside Mathematics Common Core Videos



Khan Acadamy common core



Possible Math games for center rotations








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