
Integration Ideas with Examples

Page history last edited by dawntush 12 years, 5 months ago

Audacity for Podcasting

One sample Book Talk: Life is a Highway

software used: Audacity

Description: Pod casting (an audio broadcast)


Other Podcasting Web Apps for Younger Students



This is an extremely basic way to record a podcast (something for grades K-3). After the podcast has been recorded, it can be downloaded as an MP3. The MP3 file can be then added to the school website, your PBWorks wiki, a newsletter, a blog, or emailed to parents.

This tool does not allow music to be added separately. The only option for music is to have it playing quietly in the background.




Audioboo is a mobile & web platform that effortlessly allows you to record and share audio for your friends, family or the rest of the world to hear. It is almost as easy as Vocaroo!

 This is a link to a wonderful grade 2 podcast. Click on this link (http://www.speedofcreativity.org/2008/10/12/a-2nd-grade-classroom-podcast/)

And then scroll down to the podcast and have a listen. – recorded with Pod-o-Matic



One sample: http://snack.to/fznaxla3


web app used: http://www.flipsnack.com/

Description - Make beautiful flipping books! 1)Add a pdf document, 2) Convert it to a flipping book

Embed & share your flipping book – or get the URL link to add to your wiki – or email link


Glogster EDU

One sample: http://tehescmarts.edu.glogster.com/the-moon-meehan/

Web app used: http://edu.glogster.com/

Description: Create a online digital poster with text, images, hyperlinks, video and creativity



The link below is the website link and has an example on the home page.


This web app produces a nice digital story that can be posted on a website or wiki. Simple teacher sign-up, class set-up and student account management. Books are printable, but will have to be assembled at the end.




Kidblog is designed for K-12 teachers who want to provide each student with an individual blog. Students publish posts and participate in academic discussions within a secure classroom blogging community. Teachers maintain complete control over student blogs and user accounts.


Read Write Think Printing Press


Choose from a newspaper, booklet, brochure and flyer. Easy to use.


Animoto in Education

Idea: Autobiographical Videos: The first weeks of school are when both students and teachers get to know each other. To help everyone introduce themselves, try using short videos created on Animoto for Education (http://animoto.com/education). Have students select eight to ten images that are important to them or represent things that they are excited about. Let them select the music that matches the message they want to send to the class about themselves within the program. Don't forget to create a video about yourself. When all of the videos are ready, have a little viewing party in your classroom.

Animoto can be used for all subjects.



Visual Ranking


This tool is an Intel tool. Create a teacher workspace, and a list of items for ranking, critiquing, reasoning, explaining and justifying (all higher-order Bloom's Taxonomy). It is a great one!



Kids love this! Voki (http://www.voki.com/) is a great tool forso many things. Create your own avatar, add voice and post to any blog or website. The site also includes some lesson plans.

 Here is an example of how to use Voki as a book talk: http://www.voki.com/pickup.php?scid=6429954&height=267&width=200



one of my favorites

VCASMO is a multimedia presentation solution for personal photo-video slide show, business presentation, training, academic teaching, sales pitching, seminar, conference, press release meeting, live event. - must create free account - one side shows your ppt., and the other records you talking about it. You can sink video with Ppt and has dual sides to presentation. Synchronize a series of image slides to a video soundtrack. Import video from YouTube or upload. Includes tools to enable other language captioning and Creative Commons licenses.


How to use iBook Author: http://www.vcasmo.com/video/rocheceline/


Photostory 3 for Windows


Insert photos, add writing, record yourself narrating, add music


Help Guide found in course documents.



Upload PowerPoints to it - must create free account. Upload powerpoint files and have animations and other effects too! Also appears to bring in audio from original powerpoints. Very easy to use.


The example that I am providing was created under a teacher account, and only to be viewed by her parents – not posted online. When posting online, be careful to protect student privacy. Use free music sources.

Grade 2 – I am Thankful For: http://www.slideboom.com/presentations/450012/Zoey---I-Am-Thankful?pk=8c55-6897-0cc3-5ef4-aba3-c7a2-532f-3c04

Tutorial Example using Slideboom with no Audio on how to use Wordle:


Slideboom FAQS - http://www.slideboom



This works just like Slideboom. Create a PowerPoint and upload it to



Adobe Premier Elements

Software – not free – one that I use a lot

Insert photos, add writing, record yourself narrating, add music, add videos and burn in a stand-alone DVD player.


Help Guide found in course documents (written for grade 6 students)


ToonDoo – Creating Comics


YouTube Tutorial to create one comic- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgPTMP82-Hg

High School Italian Renaisance example: http://www.toondoo.com/ViewBook.toon?bookid=103011

*If you choose ToonDoo, please understand that you will need to create a minimum of 2 ToonDoo Comics, and then use the ToonBook Maker to create a book.

ToonBookMaker Video Tutorial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCO_sQopJ7k

ToonDoo provides a group of tools that make it easy for someone without drawing tools to create comics or "doos". When creating a basic "Doo", you can select from a number of layout styles in terms of numbers of panes. You have access to a large catalog of background images, props, characters, objects, and more. The ToonBook Maker is used to create a book out of your created toons.




Example – My Trip to Egypt: http://www.zooburst.com/zb_books-viewer.php?book=4c7b129e83cd6

Zooburst Quickstart Guide - http://zooburst.media.s3.amazonaws.com/documentation/ZooBurst-Quickstart_Guide.pdf

or view from course documents

Youtube tutorial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwE25dx2CaU

Create a free account for the basic package. Anyone ages 13 or older with a valid email address can access the basic package. The classroom management tools are only available with the paid version. Adding text to photos is part of the free version, but voice is not. Hyperlinks can be added to photos as well. When finished with the book, click on Share to get the URL link for the book, or get the embed code and embed into your Wiki. The book can not be downloaded without a premium account. Post the URL link to your wiki, or embed it.


Google My Maps

http://maps.google.com/ Associate steps of your stories with locations on a map. Editing each one allows annotation of locations with mages (links from flickr), and other nice text features. Embed the maps in any web page. I hope someone chooses this.

Example: America's Highway: Orak Histories of Route 66


Qwiki Creator

It allows you to create interactive videos. You can mix and match media and images, upload videos from YouTube and Vimeo, and soon there will be an app for iPads coming out as well. - quiki.com - http://www.qwiki.com/create/new Sign up for a free account – listen to the tutorial – have pictures ready and tell your story – publish when done. You can narrate your pictures using your built in webcam, use text to speech and others. It is pretty cool and easy to use. When you publish, it posts to your channel – and then it can be shared via email, twitter, facebook, etc. or by clicking link, a url is provided.


Make Beliefs Comix


It involves spelling, storytelling, drawing, and sequence skills. It is a great website for children to create their own comics. It is an easy to use online program where children choose from a wide selection of characters (including various moods), backgrounds, thought and talking balloons, panel prompts, objects, and senses. Once Tush 7/15/12 12


Little Bird Tales


Video Tutorial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEnhabCzrvo

Create a free account. Import students. Manage classes. Upload photos for gallery or upload images on the spot. You may also draw pictures. Capture your child's voice and imagination with our creative story building tool and share them with friends and family.





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